There definitely is a chilly wind that blows through a persons bones when they come across the paths that lead to destruction.
It's no wonder all the travelers that once walked with you no longer share your burdens, they got off miles back. They saw something ahead that wasn't in your direct vision and left you to deal with it without warning, but that's how it goes.
Something has to be said for the person that tries and tries, gets knocked down and gets back up just to start the cycle over again. It's when giving is more of a sickness than a charity. At one time there was a backseat to take comfort in, knowing that the people driving wouldn't lead you astray, but that, again, was miles ago and now you've been kicked out and have been trying to make it on your own.
It's not as if fortune hasn't smiled in the least bit, but sometimes fortune doesn't have teeth when it does. Maybe there is no mouth; maybe you just look it in the eyes and see that there's a glimmer of something laying in the depths and you have to crack some skulls to get to it.
Can it be that the monotony of monetarily driven monkeys manipulates the meaningless masses? Maybe. Though the masses be the monkeys.
Surely there can be assured some insurance to assure our security? But that's certainly not the case.
Whatever happened to dependability or predictability? Gone away with care and responsibility.
Thanks for bringing me here, now where did you say that map was?
There is only one sure thing in this world when you leave it all to humanity; and that is flesh. Man's desire to be back in the womb drives him to find someone who will let a piece of him inside and when that piece doesn't bring peace then on to the next. It's mans desire to be in control that man let's himself be controlled by a piece and not by himself because that is the way things are, and if it feels good then do it, right?
When does it begin to feel wrong?
Is that where virginity steps in?
Your last chance to see things from the clear perspective of ignorance?
Ideology always gains favor but never wins.
And to think people choose their life because they were born that way. They say that they aren't ashamed of who they are but they hide their true nature until they are welcomed among the flock, then they pounce. That's fine, and why not? If the sheep smell you for what you are yet let you among them, by all means jump on it! But don't assume that since you're a wolf, a hunter and out for meat that you can pick it up from someone that seems similar to you. The attraction is only one-sided and it's all you.
You get a gold star for the effort.
Though I recommend a cold shower.
There is a misery that bores deeply and lovingly into the soul and once it reaches its destination there is no telling what wonderful damage will be done. It's something so ethereal yet substantial; ageless while aging. Melancholy but for assertion limiting the flowing breathless embers of life (if I could elaborate... but that would be telling).
Sometimes the world looks perfect but then reality steps in and the light hurts my eyes.
Starting over, over and over. la-la la-la la-la....
I'm just glad that the one truth in my life hasn't faded with my lack of want or following.
It'd be humbling, if I felt humility, and I would be proud if I ever had a chance to feel pride. I'm unsuccessful with success while sporadically stagnant.
Rapidly immobile.
Limitless limitations.
Keeping it together and staying focused are primary goals.
Once obtained (man, I never use that word) then moving further will be the next logical step.
Thank you for always being there when I didn't need you and gone when I do. I appreciate that so much I'm willing to suffer you in my life for no personal gain.
It's what I do.
by kevin mack aka VagueRant
I'd like to see some more of what this guy has.